
Enhancing Data Protection and Cybersecurity Across Sectors in Kosovo

Projekti synon të rrisë përfaqësimin demokratik, transparencën dhe angazhimin e qytetarëve dhe organizatave lokale në vendimmarrjen lokale. Në dy vitet e para të projektit, gjegjësisht nga tetori 2021 deri në…

Fostering Civic Oversight of Local Government

The project aims to increase democratic representation, transparency, and engagement of citizens and local organizations in local decision-making. In the first two years of the project, from October 2021 to…

The Institutional Grant

The institutional grant by the Smart Balkans supports the Secretariat of Platforma CiviKos, to provide necessary resources for the management and implementation of the organization's strategy, with emphasis on the…

Regulating Social Services provided by CSOs as part of the policy process and reforms in Kosovo

This project aims to create a better environment for providing services to vulnerable groups through harmonizing Kosovo procurement legislation with EU acquis and directives on contracting services, particularly enabling the…

Citizen Engagement Activity

The Citizen Engagement Activity is a 5-year commitment to foster a culture of activism that makes life in our neighborhoods and cities better, caring, and meaningful. This initiative imagines a…

Technical Assistance to CiviKos on AML/FT policies

Project Objectives Raising awareness and increasing capacities of CSOs to work with the authorities on AML/FT law, and bank de-risking policies Donors: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and European Centre…

Think Balkans

Project Objectives: The ‘Cooperation Instrument for the Western Balkans CSOs – THINK BALKANS’ Modelling on the Think Visegrad – V4 Think Tank Platform and closely cooperating with it, this project…

Is presented the report prepared by the Social Audit Group of Janjeva

Platforma Civikos në bashkëpunim të ngushtë me Decentralisation and Municipal Support - DEMOS, sot në Sallën e Kuvendit Komunal të Lipjanit kanë prezantuar raportin "Ndërtimi i Rezervuarit të Ujit dhe…