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Towards a productive working relation between Civil Society and the authorities in Kosovo – Second phase
Duration: November 2014 – November 2016

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to good governance through creating and enhancing cooperation mechanisms between civil society and public authorities at central level.

The specific objective is to support the implementation of the Governmental Strategy for Cooperation with civil society, through contributing to functioning of the Council for Implementation of the Governmental Strategy for Cooperation with Civil Society, application of principles of consultation and cooperation, strengthening of CiviKos Platform and promotion of the dialogue process.

The results of the project can be formulated as follows:

•    Result 1. Functional institutional framework for the implementation of the Governmental Strategy for Cooperation with civil society and  partnership principles applied in other potential dialogue processes
•    Result 2. Established and functional services for information, facilitation and financial support for civil participation process in Kosovo
•    Result 3. Strengthened capacities and management structures of CiviKos Platform
•    Result 4. Increased and continuous visibility of the civil society – government dialogue

These results will be achieved through implementation of the following activities:

Activity 1. Support to the operation of the Council for Implementation of the Governmental Strategy for Cooperation with Civil Society (Council) and the operation of the Task Forces (TF) as per Strategic priorities. CiviKos will support CSOs representation in the Council and ensure accountability of the Government towards fulfillment of its obligations taken with the adoption of the Strategy. Main focus will be on coordinating CSOs input to the Council and monitoring the work of the Council. Supporting and monitoring functionality of other implementation mechanisms will be considered accordingly.

Activity 1.1. Support to the operation of the Council for Implementation of the Governmental Strategy for cooperation with Civil Society
Activity 1.2. Support to the operation of the Task Forces as per strategic priorities of the Governmental Strategy for cooperation with Civil Society

Activity 2. Advocate for application of partnership principles in other potential dialogue processes. In addition to dialogue processes that derive directly from the Strategy, CiviKos will support and facilitate application of similar partnership principles also in other dialogue processes which are not necessarily related to the Strategy. CiviKos will support not only initiatives at the central level, but also support the local level/municipality related initiatives. CiviKos will ensure that the voices and efforts of CS organizations and initiatives are heard and recognized by the institutions, and will make sure that the commitments from the Institutions will be translated into the concrete actions and policies by CiviKos advocacy activities and in the other side CiviKos when needed will facilitate the initiatives of the CS organization, will encourage participation and will continue supporting their efforts. CiviKos will support three partnership principles in each year of project implementation.

Activity 3. Provide to CSOs information and financial services to support the civil participation process in Kosovo. This activity will consist in establishment of two service packages. Information services include establishment of five regional hubs, and a web portal aimed to distribute accurate information on the dialogue process. Financial services include provision of financial support for covering basic logistical costs for all CSOs willing to participate in the Council for implementation of the Governmental Strategy for Cooperation with civil society or the related four Task Forces, but have no means to do so.

Activity 3.1. Information services for Civil Society – Government Cooperation
Activity 3.2. Financial services for Civil Society – Government Cooperation

Activity 4. Strengthen internal management system and capacities of CiviKos (including the internship programme). Following adoption of its internal documents, CiviKos will further strengthen its governance and management structures, by implementing and enforcing the Code of Ethics and the Rules of Procedures (including the Position Building, Representation and Information sharing). In addition, this activity will enable sharing of knowledge between CiviKos and its members through the engagement of the interns.

Activity 4.1. Implementation and enforcement of Code of Ethics and the Rules of Procedures
Activity 4.2. Ensuring sound principles of advocacy for CiviKos Platform and its member organizations
Activity 4.3. CiviKos Internship Programme
Activity 4.4. Strengthening internal capacities of CiviKos Platform Secretariat
Activity 4.5. Membership management plan

Activity 5. Promote Civil Society – Government dialogue process. Besides ensuring the optimal visibility of the project, CiviKos will adequately promote the dialogue process between civil society and government. This activity will also ensure optimal visibility for the EU funded project.