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At the regular meeting of the Council that was held on 28.07.2015, Civil Society members addressed important issues about establishing formal cooperation. They discussed ways to implement the actions outlined in the 2015 plan of work for the Council.

The meeting also addressed the idea that CSOs should engage more actively in the process and the completion/ amending of the Law on Public Procurement. This opens up the possibility of implementing the strategic objective: “System of contracting public services to civil society organizations”. CSOs should also be included in the first stages of drafting laws for NGOs, as well as in the Working Group for completion/amending the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism. This particular law directly affects the work of CSOs. The civil society should identify specific areas in this field, and form concrete proposals for completing/amending this law.


At the meeting, Taulant Hoxha, representative of CSOs in the Council, announced that KCSF (Kosovar Civil Society Foundation) is in the process of drafting a proposal. This will help the Kosovo Government create a model for co-financing EU projects for CSOs. The model will align with what is shown in the Government Strategy.

A presentation was given on the report of the implementation of the Government Strategy, working from OGG, which serves as the secretariat office of the council. It was decided that in the future, the report should be more structured and the Working Group Coordinators have to report each strategic objective.