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The Secretariat of CiviKos Platform in April 2017 organized six regional meetings which were held in Mitrovica, Ferizaj, Gjilan, Peja, Prizren and Pristina with civil society organizations about the challenges of implementing the Government Strategy for Cooperation with Civil Society 2013-2017. In these meetings was introduced the implementation of the Government Strategy for Cooperation with Civil Society so far, the published report on the allocation of public funds, the establishment of the Minimum Standards for the allocation of public funds for CSOs, and the launch of the online Platform for the Public Consultation Process which had positive impact in the increase of transparency and creation of a enabling environment for civil society in Kosovo.


Representatives of CSOs that were present at the meeting saw important to build the service contracting system for CSOs and the process of drafting regulations for Minimum Standards for the allocation of public funds for CSOs.

Also one of the main recommendations from the present organizations was that the system of contracting services, public consultation, and transparency in the allocation of public funds should also be regulated with local government.


The CSO representatives present at the meeting discussed about the possibility of more concrete commitment over the past year the Government Strategy implementation, as we have efficient action in preparation / drafting process of the new strategy and about the public consultation process through Platform Online of Public Consultation.


CiviKos Platform will review all recommendations and suggestions from all regional meetings in order to prepare a summary report that will serve as an initiative for the preparation of the new Government Strategy for Cooperation with Civil Society.


These meetings were organized with the support of the TACSO Office in Kosovo.