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The Working Group for the development of the Government Strategy for Cooperation with Civil Society 2024-2029 held another workshop, organized by the Office for Good Governance (office of the Prime Minister in Kosovo) and the CiviKos Platform.

During this workshop the topics that could be part of the new Strategy were discussed, which deal with citizen participation in policymaking, public financing of CSOs, contracting of services, volunteerism and other areas through which the strengthening of the civil society sector is achieved, and consequently cooperation between civil society and public institutions:

Such discussions bring us closer to drafting an effective strategy that strengthens cooperation between government and civil society.

The CiviKos Platform supports drafting the Strategy within Citizen Engagement Activity, implemented by the Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF) in partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID Kosovo). The Civikos Platform is a partner of KCSF in implementing this activity.
