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CiviKos Platform held its regular consultation meeting with organizations from the region of Prizren, about the creation of thematic working groups under the objectives of the government strategy for cooperation with civil society 2013-2017. The meeting was held at Ambient Restaurant, in Prizren.
The organizations expressed their willingness to be active in working groups and are ready to monitor the implementation of government strategy. While Civikos Platform Secretariat also highlighted the importance of activating these mechanisms in the organizations themselves and that is available to support these groups in coordination, facilitation and participation.
After the creation of the Council for the Implementation of Government Strategy for 2013-2017 in cooperation with civil society, which was established on October 15, 2014, as well as working teams that will facilitate implementation of the strategy, these meetings aim to discuss recent developments on the implementation of Government Strategy and the establishment of working groups.
CiviKos platform, as foreseen on its regulations approved on the last Assembly held in April this year, will establish thematic working groups under the objectives of the government strategy for cooperation with civil society.
Rules of Procedure of the CiviKos Platform and the Government Strategy can be found in our web-site CiviKos. (
This series of consultations with member organizations are supported by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung office in Prishtina.