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After a continued commitment to strengthening CiviKos Platform as a bridge linking the civil society sector and the Government, CiviKos Platform held the annual assembly on April 4 2014 at Square 21 in Pristina.  There attended 75 members, 68 of whom were organizations voting members.
The assembly was opened by the Chairman of the Board, M. Taulant Hoxha. After making a presentation about the work of the Board’s mandate, last words went to Executive Director of CiviKos Platform, Mrs. Valdete Idrizi, which reported on the work and activities of the CiviKos Platform during the period 2012-2013. Mrs, Idrizi also revealed the working plan of CiviKos Platform for 2014.
With over 130 member organizations, most of which were represented in the Assembly have approved the CiviKos Platform statutory changes and internal regulation documents. At the meeting of the Assembly of Platform CiviKos was voted and approved for entirety new documents consulted with members from last year: Rules of Procedure (including mechanisms for selection and representation) and the Code of Conduct.
Also, member elected the new Board of CiviKos Platform, whom will commit to strengthen the representation of civil society organizations interests, in relation to a constructive cooperation with the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo. New members of the Board of CiviKos Platform are: Taulant Hoxha (KCSF), Sihana Mehmet (KFOS), Driton Selmanaj (KDI), Feride Rushiti (IRCT), Petrit Tahiri (KEC), Bujar Kadriu (Kosovo Association of the blind), Hajrulla Çeku (Ec ma ndryshe), Petrit Zogaj (FOL Movement) dhe Hilmi Jashari (CRP Kosova).