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After the end of voting for representatives of the Council on Implementation of Governmental  Strategy for cooperation with civil society, CiviKos Platform organized the process of counting the votes in the presence of observers in the premises of CiviKos. For the counting process to be as transparent, Platform CiviKos invited as observers representatives of CSOs, the media, associations and various networks operating in Kosovo as well as representatives from the Office of the Prime Minister / Office of Good Governance, as well as the NGO Registration Office in Kosovo.


Besides CiviKos Platform Secretariat, as observers during the counting of votes were present: Dren Puka- Kosovar Civil Society Foundation, Artan Stavileci- GLPS, Sihana Bejtullahu- Foundation Together and Trendelina Dreshaj- OPM / OGG.

After verification of the list of voters, all the votes were counted, all of which were valid. A total of 42 organizations voted.

After counting the votes, five candidates resulted with equal votes. Based on the rules of procedure of Civikos Platform, and on the instructions of the voting process, members with an equal number of votes shall be chosen by a draw. After a draw, one of the observers drew the name of a candidate who in the final list was ranked as number 14.


For all those who are interested in the process of counting the votes or watch the results, it’s open until Wednesday 24 September, the Secretariat of the Platform CiviKos.


Ranking members of the council by vote:

1 Taulant Hoxha, Fondacioni Kosovar për Shoqëri Civile KCSF (22)
2 Driton Selmanaj, KDI (21)
3 Albert Krasniqi, KIPRED (19)
4 Aferdita Syla, CBM (18)
5 Besnik Salihu, Agro-Vet Development (15)
6 Shpend Emini, Demokracia për Zhvillim D4D (15)
7 Bujar Kadriu, Shoqata e te Verbërve te Kosovës (14)
8 Mirlinda Kusari – Purrini, Shoqata Afariste e Gruas \”SHE-ERA\” (14)
9 Fidan Kalaja, Lëvizja FOL (13)
10 Hilmi Jashari, Civil Rights Program-Kosovo (13)
11 Luljeta Demolli, Qendra Kosovare për Studime Gjinore (13)
12 Shukrije Gashi, Partners Center for Conflict Management (13)
13 Veton Mujaj, Syri i Vizionit (13)
14 Naime Sherifi, Qendra për Mbrojtjen e Grave dhe Fëmijëve – QMGF (12)