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The next workshop of thematic group for the improvement of the institutional and legal framework for financing in the sustainable development of programs and projects of CSOs of public interest was held, where the implementation of activities of Objective 2 was discussed.

Improvement of the institutional and legal framework for financing in the sustainable development of programs and projects of CSOs of public interest, of the Government Strategy for Cooperation with Civil Society 2019-2023.

As a result of the assessments, and the discussions held during this meeting, the members of the group gave their recommendations regarding the activities that should be included in the new strategy.

The assessment of the real needs of citizens through preliminary consultations with shareholders was considered by the participants as one of the key issues that must be taken into consideration during the process of public financing of NGOs.

Furthermore, the participants evaluated that establishing of a supervisory mechanism for assessing the suitability of procedures with the criteria of the relevant regulation for public financing of NGOs would ensure transparency and effective implementation of the regulation.

This workshop has been organized within the Citizen Engagement Activity in Kosovo, implemented by the Kosovar Civil Society Foundation in Kosovo (KCSF) in partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID Kosovo).

Platforma Civikos is a partner of KCSF in implementing with activity.