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Civikos with the support of the Decentralisation and Municipal Support – DEMOS project implemented by Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation, has started with the implementation of the Social Audit activity.

Within this activity, the citizens of the four focus municipalities, Peja, Rahovec, Skenderaj, and Kamenica, will monitor the performance of various capital projects by bringing their own perspectives, in order that the municipality’s capital investments be as close as possible to the needs of the citizens.

Last weekend in Peja, we delivered two-day training to a Social Audit team from Peja, who had the opportunity to learn more about the role and duties of the municipality, public procurement, and social audit. After the training, the group of citizens, with the facilitation of CiviKos, will monitor the project of Karagaç Park.

We thank the DEMOS project for supporting this activity, as well as the group of Peja citizens who have joined us in the Social Audit team.