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After the call for participation in the Working Groups of CiviKos Platform on 05/03/2015, CiviKos organized first training for the working groups at the conference center “Orion” in Pristina.


This training was provided by the network CNVOS from Slovenia, where in the training was initially explained the objectives, which were related to understanding the role of the Council on the implementation of the Government Strategy for Cooperation with Civil Society 2013 – 2017, the role and opportunities for working groups of CiviKos, creating a shared understanding about advocacy opportunities and the development of monitoring tools for supervising the work of the Council and the implementation of the Strategy.


During the discussions, the special emphasis was on the best way how to advocate for the implementation of the strategy, how will use CiviKos working groups for advocacy, as well as the approach to the monitoring and implementation of the Strategy and the Council’s work, tools, channels, and opportunities.