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CiviKos Platform held informational meetings with NGOs in Mitrovica region (south and north). The meetings had to do with the development of the strategy and the implementation and presentation of the draft terms of reference (draft regulations) for the work of the Council on the implementation of government strategy for cooperation with civil society. Also were discussed for the selection of the civil society representatives from stages of application to selection and role of the working groups under the Strategic Objectives.
Last year was approved Government Strategy for Cooperation with Civil Society 2013 – 2017. In order for this strategy to be more applicable, must be provided tracking mechanisms for implementing this strategy, specifically the establishment of the Strategy Council for Government. Work rules (terms of reference) for the functioning of the council since 06/17/2014 are open for public consultation by the Office for Good Governance / Office of the Prime Minister till the 9th of July.
The discussion was mainly about the nomination, selection and operation of the Council and on draft terms of reference. The purpose of the meetings had to do with informing the organizations before the announcement of public invitation for civil society organizations to apply for membership in the Council. At this meeting attended NGO members and non-members CiviKos Platform.
Similar meetings will be organized in other regions of Kosovo in the coming days and are supported by TACSO – Office in Kosovo.