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The panel ‘Two years with the pandemic – continuing efforts for better management’ gathered stakeholders from different sectors that were at the same time partners of the CiviKos Platform in various campaigns and projects against COVID-19. The panel was the closing activity of the #NiseMuhabetin project, funded by SlovakAid. The event was opened by Mr. Rastislav Kostilnik – Head of the Republic of Slovakia Liaison Office in Prishtina, and Mr. Lorik Pustina – Team Leader of Strategic Planning at the Office of the UN Development Coordinator in Kosovo. After that the hybrid event continued with the panel, moderated by Ms. Donika Emini – Executive Director of the CiviKos Platform, and with keynotes who covered reflections and recommendations drawing from the experience of dealing with the pandemic in their sector. Namely, the speakers of this panel were: Ms. Nermin Mahmuti – Executive Director of CDF, speaking about civil society initiatives related to the pandemic, Mr. Sazan Ibrahimi – Executive Director of the Association of Kosovo Municipalities, who covered the cooperation between local and central institutions, Ms. Saranda Ramaj – journalist from Koha Group, speaking about the work of the media during the pandemic, as well as Mr. Berat Rukiqi – Executive Director of the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce, for the challenges of the private sector in this encounter. During the discussion, the recommendations below were shared for continuing to deal with COVID-19, in a comprehensive and effective manner: – Establishment of a special fund for management of emergency situations, similar to the funds recently established in Albania, which would ensure continuation of activities without any major shock. – Cooperation with stakeholders in decision-making and their inclusion in discussions, especially with those affected by decisions. – Inclusion of arguments by local institutions as bodies that directly deal with implementation of measures. – Genuine consultation with the business community about decisions that directly have impact on them and financial assistance when decisions affect their economic activity. – Getting out of the pandemic emergency and making decisions that are according to this situation. It was emphasized the need for the government to adapt and prepare for other crises, such as health, as well as supply chain crises as a result of dealing with the pandemic for two years now. – The need for specialized journalists who cover in detail certain sectors, in this case the health system. Dealing with the pandemic showed the need for such a thing; to notice anomalies, both in terms of limits, as well as omission of other diseases during the war with COVID-19, which will consequently have implications on public health. – Unifying the knowledge and experience of different stakeholders for campaigns, programs and planning with strategic goals for achieving new targets (example for the part that is unvaccinated).