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Valdete Idrizi, Executive Director of CiviKos Platform, is the winner of the “The WIFTS Peace Award 2016”, for the great commitment as an activist to peace building and communities in Kosovo.


Valdete Idrizi does not stop working on peace building, and is also known as a motivation for many youth of Kosovo who see her as a role model for Peace building work. When asked how they made peace Ms. Idrizi said: “First, you must make peace with yourself, to solve all the dilemmas you may have, be a good listener, to understand, to have goodwill and to love people and then you will be able to work with others, place the bridges of communication links, dialogue and cooperation. Peace is all we need, related to the people, and young people are the group who are a guarantee for sustainable peace. In Kosovo, we still have not managed to have lasting peace, and we will achieve it after we deal with the past, to show the diversity and interpersonal tolerance. ”


Idrizi was among the founders and leaders of the organization, Community Building Mitrovica (CBM) for a decade, known not only in Kosovo for their commitment to community building, and now leads the largest network of CSOs in Kosovo, CiviKos Platform. She never stopped supporting initiatives and strengthening of civil society organizations in Kosovo, and is recognized as one of the biggest activists in building peace in Kosovo.


Her dedication to peace building is also known in the past. Idrizi is the winner of the International Prize for courage “International Women of Courage Award” for Europe, from the State Department of the United States in 2008; Soroptimist Peace Prize in 2009, and assumed the title of Ambassador of Peace by the Universal Peace Federation (UPF). She has also received recognition from youth organizations and civil society in general.