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On 7th of July 2015, at CiviKos premises was held training with CSOs that took the right to lead the regional centers of CiviKos Platform. After creating five regional centers throughout Kosovo, Peja, Gjilan, Mitrovica, Prizren and Ferizaj, CiviKos Platform organized the training with representatives of these centers to better understand the functioning and services towards their members in the respective centers.


Training primarily aimed to inform about the role and responsibilities of the regional centers, the way of the information on the overall process of civic participation and mechanisms for advocacy and participation in decision making. The training was led by Tina Divjak from Slovenian CNVOS network and Tatjana Hvala from Boreo regional center from Slovenia, whom also revealed their experience of establishing regional centers in Slovenia.


Organizations that will serve as a regional center CiviKos Platform are: in Ferizaj – INPO, in Gjilan – Network of Peace Movement (NOPM) in Mitrovica – Community Building Mitrovica (CBM), Peja – Eye of Vision NGO and Prizren – EEKOS Sani.