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CiviKos Platform informs all its members that has created five regional centers throughout Kosovo in Peja, Gjilan, Mitrovica, Prizren, Ferizaj. Centers have started functioning from the beginning of July 2015, while the Secretariat of CiviKos will serve as a national center in Prishtina.


Regional centers are information centers that provide communication, feedback, and information on the overall process of civic participation and specific partnerships, such dialogue and consultation led by CiviKos-i or other CSOs that are supported by CiviKos Platform. At the same time it is worth noting the commitment to work for a better environment for formal collaboration between civil society and local / central authorities.


These centers have been established within the project “Working together. Towards a productive working relationship between civil society and the authorities in Kosovo, Phase II”, an EU-funded project managed by European Union Office in Kosovo and the co-financed by FES Office in Kosovo. The main objective of this project is to contribute to good governance, European integration, and an active civil society in Kosovo by ensuring better cooperation between civil society and the authorities in Kosovo.


Selection of CSOs that have earned the right to the leadership of these centers is done in an open and transparent by giving them the opportunity to apply through an open call. After concluding the phase of the application, all applications were reviewed, and as a result these organizations will serve as regional centers of CiviKos Platform: in Ferizaj – INPO, in Gjilan – Network of Peace Movement (NOPM) in Mitrovica – Community Building Mitrovica (CBM), Peja – Eye of Vision and Prizren – EKOS Sani.